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Manual of the Warrior of Light Book by Paulo Coelho

Manual of the Warrior of Light Book by Paulo Coelho

Regular price LE 275.00 EGP
Regular price LE 600.00 EGP Sale price LE 275.00 EGP
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Manual of the warrior of light is an accumulation of the teachings of paulo coelho compiled in a single volume this book possesses proverbs, religious texts from the bible, texts from tao te ching, words of chuang tzu and other texts from various sources these contents are penned down in the manner of short philosophical linesthis coelho is written in the manner as if it is a handbook for a warrior the warrior is used in the context of persons who pursue their dreams and appreciate life in this handbook, the author shows different kinds of problems the warrior faces and also the solutions for those problems the book includes paradoxes where the author describes the behavior of the warrior as a rock and then goes on to say that the behavior of the warrior is like water considering the interpretation of rock as stability and water as flexibility, theyre opposites in taoismthis book is aimed at people who want to pursue their aspirations of life and transcend into a superior being

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