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I quaranta giorni del Mussa Dagh - 1938 by Franz WERFEL

I quaranta giorni del Mussa Dagh - 1938 by Franz WERFEL

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Primavera 1915. Gabriel Bagradian, un armeno da tempo stabilitosi all'estero, è in visita nel villaggio natale con la moglie francese e il figlioletto quando il governo ottomano dà inizio alla deportazione e allo sterminio degli armeni. Bagradian si trova così a guidare l'eroica resistenza di alcune migliaia di armeni asserragliati sul monte Mussa Dagh. Grande poema corale brulicante di personaggi indimenticabili, "I quaranta giorni del Mussa Dagh", pubblicato ne1 1933, è una vibrata, profetica denuncia di tutti i genocidi della storia e un inno alla determinazione dell'uomo e alla sua capacità di resistere.

I quaranta giorni del Mussa Dagh (The Forty Days of Musa Dagh) is a historical novel by Austrian author Franz Werfel, based on the true events of the Armenian resistance during the Armenian Genocide of 1915. The novel tells the story of the Armenian inhabitants of Musa Dagh (Mount Moses) in modern-day Turkey, who organized a desperate defense against the Ottoman forces to avoid deportation and massacre. The title refers to the 40 days during which the Armenians held out on the mountain before being rescued by Allied forces.

The novel is a powerful and emotional portrayal of human resilience, courage, and the struggle for survival in the face of unimaginable adversity. It is considered one of the most important literary works about the Armenian Genocide and has been widely translated and celebrated for its historical and humanitarian significance.

Key Points:

  1. Historical Context:

    • The novel is set during the Armenian Genocide (1915–1923), when the Ottoman Empire systematically deported and massacred over a million Armenians.

    • The events at Musa Dagh are based on the real-life resistance of Armenian villagers who defended themselves against Ottoman forces.

  2. Plot Overview:

    • The story follows Gabriel Bagradian, an Armenian intellectual who returns to his ancestral village in Turkey after living in Europe.

    • When the genocide begins, Bagradian becomes the leader of the resistance, organizing the villagers to retreat to Musa Dagh and defend themselves.

    • The Armenians endure 40 days of siege, starvation, and attacks before being rescued by French warships.

  3. Themes:

    • Resistance and Survival: The novel highlights the courage and determination of the Armenian people in the face of annihilation.

    • Identity and Belonging: Bagradian's struggle with his dual identity as an Armenian and a European is a central theme.

    • Humanity and Inhumanity: The novel explores the extremes of human behavior, from the brutality of the genocide to the solidarity and heroism of the resistance.

  4. Literary Significance:

    • The novel is considered a masterpiece of 20th-century literature and a seminal work on the Armenian Genocide.

    • It brought international attention to the genocide and remains a key text in Armenian studies.

  5. Controversy:

    • The book was banned in Nazi Germany and Turkey due to its sensitive subject matter.

    • It has faced censorship and criticism in some countries but remains a symbol of resistance and remembrance.

Book Details (1938 Italian Edition):

  • Format: Hardcover or Paperback (depending on the edition).

  • Dimensions: Approximately 14 cm (height) x 21 cm (width) for a standard paperback edition.

  • Weight: Approximately 0.5–0.7 kg (depending on the edition).

  • Pages: Around 800–900 pages (varies by edition).

  • Language: Italian (translated from the original German).

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