“The most powerful influence on attitude and behavior is one’s culture—and this book shows you how to be more effective with more people from different cultures.”
—Brian Tracy, author of How the Best Leaders Lead and Eat That Frog!
“Drawing upon his own extensive international experience, Michael has created an indispensable tool for anyone who interacts with people from other cultures. (And who among us doesn’t?)”
—Luciana Duarte, Global Head of Employee Communications, Engagement, and Culture, HP Inc.
“I wish I had this book sooner! Between working abroad in India and starting a company in New York City, I’ve found myself in so many situations where I didn’t know what the cultural norm was. I can’t wait to apply the lessons I’ve learned from Culture Crossing to situations I know I’ll find myself in in the future.”
—Liz Wessel, cofounder and CEO, WayUp
“Understanding culture is the key to creating and maintaining successful relationships in this increasingly global world. This book is a must-read for those just entering the workforce to the leaders of top companies.”
—Alex Churchill, Executive Chairman, VonChurch, and CEO, Gamesmith
“Michael combines a rare and deep understanding of global cultural issues with humor to create awareness on one of the most important topics of our era. His stories and teachings have been invaluable for us at SAP Academy, as we have trained hundreds of millennials from over fifty countries in our global training facility. If you serve in any organization or role in which you work with people from different cultures, run, don’t walk, to read this book.”
—Rae Kyriazis, Global Vice President, SAP
“The most profound reality we face as marketers is the multicultural fractionalization of our marketplace. We are perplexed by this, so we continue to talk in our own voice rather than learning how to listen to these diverse voices with an empathy that is agile and truly customer-centric. Michael Landers has changed the way our people think and act with his method and teaching.”
—Bill McDonough, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Office, M/I Homes
About the Author
Michael Landers is the founder and president of Culture Crossing, Inc., a consulting company dedicated to finding innovative solutions for those working in multicultural contexts. Culture Crossing’s clients include Apple, Google, Samsung, HSBC, SAP, Novartis, Fiat Worldwide, Isuzu Motors, Kaiser Permanente, CalAtlantic Homes, and Mead Johnson, among others.